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Born 1982, in Västerås, Sweden.


2015–2017 Master of Fine Art, Konstfack, Stockholm

2007–2010 Bachelor of Fine Art, Malmö Art Academy

2009 Half-year exchange, The Cooper Union School of Art, New York

2004–2007 Culture Studies / Culture Journalism / Queer Theory 143 hp, Malmö and Lund University

2004–2005 Creative Writing, project year, Öland Folk High School

2002–2004 Öland Art School


2022 #Iwortethisinteadofsleeping, Ordkonst Magazine, 2022:2 - Rolldikting, Lund

2020 Gränsland, essay, for the exhibition Världsutställningen, Konsthall Årstaberg, Stockholm

2018 종현, Ordkonst Magazine, 2018:3 - City, Lund

2017 Love Song, master essay, Program In Fine Art, Konstfack, Stockholm

2016 She wanted to be lost again, a correspondence with Chris Kraus, Paletten Art Journal #305, Stockholm

2010–2014, blog, collaboration with Elin Mellerstedt

2013 Loverholic robotronic, (hard package/ebook), co-written with Elin Mellerstedt, Bladh by Bladh, Stockholm

2012 Fenomenet k-pop, article, co-written with Elin Mellerstedt, Yoboseyo, Stockholm

2011 Hometown project, article, co-written with Elin Mellerstedt,, Seoul

2007–2008 Chronicles and artworks for the paper Victor, nr 11-16, Stockholm University, Stockholm

2006 ” – Om flickors kärlek, pojkars ogillande och kulturell degradering”, candidate essay,

culture studies, Malmö University, Malmö

2004 Pågående projekt, poetry suite, Debut 2004 (paperback), Wahlström och Widstrand, Stockholm


2024 DOG, ID:I Gallery, together with Simon Blanck, Rebecca Digby and Carolina Andreasson  

2021 Hjorten skulpturpark, Stockholm

2020 Värdsutställningen, Konsthall Årstaberg, Stockholm

2020 Isolering | Kommunikation, Färgfabriken, Stockholm

2019 That summer feeling, Bångska våningen, Stockholm

2017 Degree Exhibition, Konstfack, Stockholm
2016 It felt so good up there, Platform Gallery, Stockholm

2015 Attempted Psychokinetic Connections to Clouds, Konstfack Gallery, Stockholm

2010 Love in fantasy, Högkvarteret, Stockholm

2010 Vad hände sen, Konstens hus, Öland

2010 The Annual Exhibition, Malmö Art Academy, Malmö

2010 BFA Graduation Show, Gallery KHM, Malmö

2009 Exchange, The Cooper Union, New York
2009 Salon, The Cave, New York

2009 The Annual Exhibition, Malmö Art Academy, Malmö

2009 Folkets Park, Malmö

2009 Moving, Clarion Hotel, Stockholm

2004 Graduation Show, Kalmar Museum of Art, Kalmar


2019 Love River, Hagsätra Collective, Stockholm

2016 Middle of Nowhere, Konstfack Gallery, Stockholm

2012 Molla, molla, collaboration with Elin Mellerstedt, The Museum of Far East, Stockholm 

2011 Vet inte, vet inte, collaboration with Elin Mellerstedt, Biya Hongdae, Seoul

2011 Vet inte, vet inte, collaboration with Elin Mellerstedt, RUF XXX, Seoul

2011 Molla, molla, collaboration with Elin Mellerstedt Galleri Pictura, Lund

2007 Hagstorpsgatan, Gallery RM2, Malmö


2023 WHOLENESSANCE by Rebecca Digby, lyricsist/performer, Under Solen, Reimersholmes Hotel Bar, Stockholm and live broadcasted 

2020 Love River, performance version, Värdsutställningen, Konsthall Årstaberg, Stockholm

2019 Fountain, performance and video work, Södra teatern, Stademonia in connection to Stockholm Fringe Festival, Stockholm

2016 Hold on, performance, It felt so good up there, Platform Gallery, Stockholm

2010–2013 Ensamdans / Dancing on our own, collaboration with Elin Mellerstedt, Youtube

2011 Intro Dream Concert, dancer/performer, World Cup Stadium, Seoul

2008–2009 BOYS@ACADEMY Manager and creative director for a boy band consisting of Max Ockborn, Olof Nimar, Stine Midsaeter and Örn Alexander Ámundason

2009 BOYS@ACADEMY greeting to the fans, The Cooper Union School of Art, New York

2009 BOYS@ACADEMY press conference, Oslo

2009 BOYS@ACADEMY live in Folkets Park, Malmö

2009 Att Återvända / To return, with Emma Stillman, Folkets Park, Malmö


2022 The Korean Wave – Hur ett land förändrade den globala scenen för tech och kultur, panel discussion, commissioned by Samsung, Space, Stockholm

2020-2021 5 minuters konst, live sent talks about among others Ann Bötchers and Jennifer Loebers art work, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm

2019 K-pop och fangirling, commissioned by Samsung, Göteborg Book Fair, Göteborg

2014 HBTQ i Sydkorea, together with Elin Mellerstedt, Amnesty International, Stockholm

2014 K-pop – konceptuell, experimentell och aktuell, workshop and lecture, together with Elin Mellerstedt, Popkollos rikskonferens, Göteborg / Popkollo original, Malmö / Popkollo hiphop, Botkyrka / Popkollo original, Botkyrka

2014 Om k-pop, together with Elin Mellerstedt, We Are Sthlm, Stockholm / Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholms University, Stockholm / Ungkulturhuset Gurraberg, Gustavsberg / Adopterade Koreaners Förenings årsmöte, Stockholm

2013 International fans of K-pop, together with Elin Mellerstedt, Embassy of South Korea, Stockholm

2013 Loverholic robotronic – en reportagebok om k-pop, fans och Sydkorea, presentation of the book, together with Elin Mellerstedt, Christmas Festival at Akademibokhandeln Vängåvan, Sundsvall  / Rundgång, Malmö  / Göteborg Book Fair, Göteborg / Bar CONST #3, Bar Brooklyn, Stockholm / In the Mood for books, MOOD, Stockholm

2012 K-pop - koreansk populärkultur, together with Elin Mellerstedt, Lars Karlsson-Liljas and Tina Ringenson, The Museum of Far East, Stockholm


2023 I was interviewed as part of a reportage at the radio station P1 about BTS and mental health.


2022 I was interviewed by the daily newspaper DN about the tenth-year celebration of Psy's hit Gangnam Style and the radio station P1 about BTS military enlistment. I was also part of a P3 radio documentary called "BTS: Från topplistorna till militären".


2019 I was part of the P3 documentary “BTS – Det skottsäkra bandet från Öst” about the Korean boy band BTS.

In 2018 I was a guest on the Swedish radio programs; Morgonpasset and Musikguiden, as an expert on Kpop.

Between 2012 and 2014 Elin Mellerstedt and I participated in the Swedish TV program Kobra and on Swedish radio shows such as P3′s programs PP3 and Musikguiden. We also received attention for our collaborative work and book in a wide range of Swedish magazines and papers such as Sydsvenskan, Expressen, ETC, Totally Stockholm and Vagabond.


2021 Swedish Authors’ Fund, crisis grant

2020 Swedish Authors’ Fund, one year working grant

2020 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, crisis grant

2018 Iaspis travel grant, Love River in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2016 Ulla Fröberg Cramér Scholarship Foundation, travel grant, Tulsa Oklahoma, USA

2014 Swedish Authors’ Fund travel grant, Tokyo, Japan

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